Implants and Orthodontics

Dental Implants provide real life-changing solutions to numerous dental problems and it is one of the most stimulating areas to work in. We offer the required expertise to successfully deliver a variety of Dental Implant treatments including putting a single-tooth implant, a full mouth recuperation, or same day teeth. Even in the case of inadequate bone position, we also offer to place bone grafts.
In the case of missing tooth or teeth, Dental Implants offer a cutting-edge alternative to traditional bridges and dentures.

To support an implant tooth, a titanium post is placed in the jaw bone. It acts like the root of a natural tooth. Dental Implants can also be used to stabilise dentures and support fixed bridges.

The implant is usually left for a couple of weeks so that the bone forms a strong bond to the implant. After the integration of bone with the implant, an artificial tooth is placed for a natural look. The artificial tooth is customized so that it matches the shape, size, and colour of natural tooth.

Some exciting benefits offered by Dental Implants include:

  • Re-establishing the mouth as closely as possible to its natural look
  • More comfort as loose dentures are eliminated
  • Neighbouring tooth filing not done (as with conventional bridges)
  • Facial structure is preserved by virtually stopping decay of jaw

And above all, they provide more natural smile, hence improving overall appearance and self-confidence.

To see if implants are appropriate for you, and to answer any questions you may have, please arrange an implant consultation with and we’ll let you know all the possibilities.

The Association of Dental Implantology (UK) provides a lot more information on implants and the following link is to the section of their site dedicated to providing answers for patients, however if you would prefer to speak to us directly to have your questions answered then please feel free to do so (Association of Dental Implantology).

Booking a Dental Implant Consultation

Start your journey to a new wonderful smile today.
Book a free dental implant video consultation or book an in-practice appointment with our Orthodontic team in Bow London by calling: 020 8980 6398 or email [email protected]

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